collate, develop, review, promote and represent the Audio Visual
Industry providing effective service, support
and direction for our members and generally to establish a good understanding
between them for their mutual benefit.
bring awareness about intellectual property issues in Fiji.
- To
assist and advise members in relation to imposing of restrictive conditions
on the conduct of any business or industry.
- To lobby the interest
of members of the association with the Government and any other authority
that may seem to be conducive to the association’s objects or any of them
and to obtain from them and exercise any rights privileges
licenses and
concessions which may seem necessary or desirable.
- To make submissions
to the government and other authorities in the drafting and presentation
of any legislative issues.
- To
assist in the collation of evidence required for the criminal and
/or civil proceedings and to assist and prosecution at
any stage
where necessary and or requested.
has engaged the services of Mr. Stephen Howes, an Intellectual
Property law Consultant
specializing in copyright and trade marks concerning film images
in the various formats. He has assisted the Motion Picture
Association internationally in the successful enforcement and
of copyright laws. Mr. Stephen Howes is the former Director of
Film & Video Security Office and has about 25 years of
experience in the industry and during this period he assisted
in over 600
cases overseas.
Consultant Mr. Howes has been assured with support from the Motion
Picture Association to work with the Fiji Police Force and
the Director of Public Prosecution and provide to these authorities
any industry support that they may require to enforce the Copyright
Act in Fiji.
has been gaining support each week, with favourable feedback from
the breadth of the local industry.
in association with Motion Picture Association, Fiji Police Force
arranged a seminar on the enforcement of Copyright Laws.
Delegates included members of the Fiji Police Force, FIRCA,
DPP, Judiciary, US Embassy, FAVC and
several foreign delegates from Australia, New Zealand and Samoa.
- Major raid takes place on Comsol and other suspects.
- Watch
this space for continous developments.